LeetCode 🟡 1381. Design a Stack With Increment Operation
Problem solving record for LeetCode 1381. Design a Stack With Increment Operation.
LeetCode 🟡 2707. Extra Characters in a String
Problem solving record for LeetCode 2707. Extra Characters in a String.
LeetCode 🟢 884. Uncommon Words from Two Sentences
Problem solving record for LeetCode 884. Uncommon Words from Two Sentences.
LeetCode 🟡 2326. Spiral Matrix IV
Problem solving record for LeetCode 2326. Spiral Matrix IV.
LeetCode 🟡 2807. Insert Greatest Common Divisors in Linked List
Problem solving record for LeetCode 2807. Insert Greatest Common Divisors in Linked List.
LeetCode 🟡 1367. Linked List in Binary Tree
Problem solving record for LeetCode 1367. Linked List in Binary Tree.
LeetCode 🟡 1894. Find the Student that Will Replace the Chalk
Problem solving record for LeetCode 1894. Find the Student that Will Replace the Chalk.
LeetCode 🟡 2024. Maximize the Confusion of an Exam
Problem solving record for LeetCode 2024. Maximize the Confusion of an Exam.
LeetCode 2024/09 每日一題 (September LeetCoding Challenge) 目錄
A collection of LeetCode 2024/09 daily challenge.
LeetCode 🟢 860. Lemonade Change
Problem solving record for LeetCode 860. Lemonade Change.
LeetCode 🔴 719. Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance
Problem solving record for LeetCode 719. Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance.
LeetCode 🟢 3151. Special Array I
Problem solving record for LeetCode 3151. Special Array I.
LeetCode 🟡 40. Combination Sum II
Problem solving record for LeetCode 40. Combination Sum II.
LeetCode 🟢 703. Kth Largest Element in a Stream
Problem solving record for LeetCode 703. Kth Largest Element in a Stream.
LeetCode 🟡 676. Implement Magic Dictionary
Problem solving record for LeetCode 676. Implement Magic Dictionary.