給定 n n n 組單數和複數的對應,再給定 m m m 個單數,依照以下規則輸出其複數形式:
若單數以子音字母接"y"結尾 ,以"ies"取代"y"。
若單數以"o", “s”, “ch”, “sh”, “x"結尾,則在字尾多加上"es”。
LuckyCat 的中文翻譯
思路:模擬(Simulation)、雜湊表(Hash Table)
用 雜湊表(Hash Table) 儲存單數和複數的對應,之後依照題目給定的規則輸出即可。
時間複雜度:O ( ( n + m ) ⋅ k ) O((n+m) \cdot k) O (( n + m ) ⋅ k ) ,其中 k k k 為最長的字串長度。
空間複雜度:O ( n ⋅ k ) O(n \cdot k) O ( n ⋅ k ) 。
Python C++
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 n, m = map (int , input ().split()) mp = dict () for _ in range (n): a, b = input ().split() mp[a] = b for _ in range (m): s = input () n = len (s) if s in mp: print (mp[s]) elif n > 1 and s[-1 ] == "y" and s[-2 ] not in "aeiou" : print (s[:-1 ] + "ies" ) elif s[-1 ] in "osx" or s[-2 :] in ["ch" , "sh" ]: print (s + "es" ) else : print (s + "s" )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std;#define endl '\n' int main () { ios::sync_with_stdio (false ); cin.tie (nullptr ); cout.tie (nullptr ); int n, m; string a, b, s; cin >> n >> m; map<string, string> mp; while (n--) { cin >> a >> b; mp[a] = b; } while (m--) { cin >> s; int k = s.size (); if (mp.find (s) != mp.end ()) cout << mp[s] << endl; else if (k > 1 && s[k-1 ] == 'y' && s[k-2 ] != 'a' && s[k-2 ] != 'e' && s[k-2 ] != 'i' && s[k-2 ] != 'o' && s[k-2 ] != 'u' ) cout << s.substr (0 , k - 1 ) + "ies" << endl; else if (s[k-1 ] == 'o' || s[k-1 ] == 's' || s[k-1 ] == 'x' || (k > 1 && s[k-1 ] == 'h' && (s[k-2 ] == 'c' || s[k-2 ] == 's' ))) cout << s + "es" << endl; else cout << s + "s" << endl; } return 0 ; }
Cover photo is remixed from @悲鳴樂章 , thanks for their work!